Year 600-1000 AD - Uaksaktun, Guatemala. The first graphic image smoker. A clay jar, it depicts a Maya Indian, closed smokers of tobacco leaves, converting threads. Smoking sik'ar called Maya Indians.
October 12, 1492 - Christopher Columbus arriving on the shores of San Salvador and sees Aboriginal dried leaves of tobacco.
1492 - Two of the teams Columbus (Rodrigo Jerez and Luis de Torres) become the first Europeans who see smoking tobacco. Jerez became the first European - avid smoker of tobacco.
16 th century: Polynesian found the statue, which depicts the Prince of Flowers, decorated 6 - yu psychoactive plants: mushrooms, tobacco, morning glory (morning glory), and others.
1518 - Juan de Griyalva (Juan de Grijalva) arrives at the Yucatán, and watching as Aboriginal smoking tobacco.
1530 - Franciscan monk Bernardino de Shahagun distinguishes between two kinds of tobacco: "pleasant" - Nicotiana tabacum and "rude" Nicotiana rustica.
1531 - Santo Domingo. It starts with a European tobacco cultivation.
1535 - The first printed reference to smoking tobacco.
1556 - Andre Thevet (Andre Thevet) for the first time brings tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), from Brazil to France, arguing that tobacco is created for a comfortable stay.
1558 - Portugal. The first appearance of tobacco.
1559 - Pillar tobacco - nicotine is named in honor of Jean de Nikota Villemeyna (Jean Nicot) - French Ambassador to Portugal, which describes its medicinal properties and sends it as a panacea to The French court.
1561 - Tobacco, brings to Italy the first Cardinal Prospero di Santa Croce.
1565 - Tobacco Seeds brought to England, but it does not cover smoking.
1570 - Sir Walter Reilly zakurivaet in court. Since then, smoking has become fashionable and popular classes.
1570 - In Europe, the first pictures printed with the image of tobacco. The figures were also depicted smoking pipes like those that saw the Mariners from the Indians.
1571 - The issue of smoking "for fun" was still pending because tobacco believe, first of all, medicinal means. Nicolas Monardes (Nicolas Monardes) devotes the second part of his book "New plants Peace" (New World plants) tobacco, recommending it as a means of unambiguously 36 for the treatment of various diseases. Monardes calls tobacco "holy herb" and his work has become a fundamental source for all subsequent pro-tobacco literature.
1575 - 1600 China / Japan. Smoking tobacco is increasingly found in southern China.
1575 - 1600 England. Smoking becomes the "duty" of every human fashion. Numerous publications praised its medicinal properties.
1575 - 1600 Italy. Tobacco growers of medicinal herbs as in Rome, but there is no evidence of smoking.
1575 - 1600 Turkey. Sultan Murad Second grows tobacco as a new medicine after he saw a British tobacco smoking.
1585 - Tobacco is grown by European settlers in North Carolina.
1586 - Germany. "De plantis epitome utilissima" prints one of the first tobacco warnings, calling tobacco "dangerous plants."
1587 - Antwerp. For the first time published a book entirely devoted to tobacco "De herbe panacea" with a multitude of recipes healing.
1603 - Japan. It starts with the cultivation of tobacco and smoking applies to all classes, in connection with what went several imperial ban on smoking tobacco. Bans issued for security reasons: fires, the foreign influence must be cultivated more valuable type of rice culture. Despite increasing fines, including confiscation of property, death threats, fines and imprisonment, all prohibitions and sanctions fail. Gradually prohibitions disappear because of the impossibility of implementing them.
1617 - Mongolia. Emperor establishes the death penalty for the use of tobacco.
1623 - Italy. Church prohibits smoking in the Holy Places. Pope Urban VIII threatened excommunication from the church to all those who smoke or inhales tobacco in the holy places.
1628 - The State of Virginia gave a monopoly on the export of tobacco to England. 500000 pounds of tobacco were shipped to England.
1634 - Russia. Czar Alexei imposes penalties for smoking. First violation - flogging, nostrils and pulling out a reference to Siberia, the second - the death penalty.
1638 - 1400000 pounds of tobacco, sent from America to England.
1638 - China. Emperor Ming establishes its law that any illegal tobacco trade. The law is not fulfilled, and smoking is distributed. In fall 1641 the second law banning smoking and tobacco trade.
1639 - The Governor Kiefta prohibits smoking tobacco in New Amsterdam (New York). The people ignore its law.
1644 - China. Lifted all existing bans on smoking tobacco. China has become the largest nation of smokers in Asia.
1650 - 1675 Japan. All prohibitions on tobacco smoking altogether.
1659 - Italy. A state monopoly on the sale of tobacco.
1674 - France. Louis XIV establishes a state monopoly on the sale of tobacco, imitating the Italians.
1674 - Russia. Smoking tobacco is prohibited, the punishment - up to the death penalty. Use continues to grow, and the restrictions lifted two years later. Smoking extends from the higher classes to a simple people.
1724 - Pope Benedict XIII tries to smoke and cancels all penalties for smoking.
1730 - opened the first US factory for the processing of tobacco in the state of Virginia. They are a small mill.
1760 - Pierre Lorillard based in New York for the production tube manufacture of tobacco, cigars and snuff tobacco. "P. Lorillard" oldest tobacco company in the United States.
1789-1799 Simple French people consume begins snuff.
1795 - Samuel Thomas Van Semmering of Maine contends that smoking leads to cancer tubes.
1828 - Germany. Students at the University of Heidelberg Rayman and Ludwig Heinrich Wilhelm Posselt write a comprehensive dissertation on pharmacology of nicotine, which confidently assert that it was "dangerous poison."
1843 - In France started commercial production of cigarettes.
1856 - Established the first cigarette factory in England.
1880 - Engineer Bohnsack receives a patent for the world's first cigarette machine.
1881 - began selling handmade cars to Own. Until then, all cigarettes were sold skatany hand.
1883 - Oscar Hammerstein receives a patent for a machine to skrutke cigars.
1889 - Annual number of cigarettes produced in the United States - 2413349000 (2.4 billion).
1889 - "American Tobacco Company" Back led by Duke adds another 5 to be the leading companies.
At the end of 1890 - s in the United States slump cigarette sales since the tax was raised from 0.50 to $ 1.50 per thousand cigarettes, because Government needed additional funds to maintain the Spanish-American War.
1900 - Sales declined from 600 million to 40 million cigarettes over the previous 2 years.
1900 - Washington, Tennessee, Iowa and North Dakota prohibit cigarettes.
1902 - United States. The tax dropped to $ 0.54 per thousand cigarettes, production immediately increased.
1904 - 3 billion cigarettes sold in the United States.
1905 - Tobacco removing from the official list of drugs. This is done in exchange for the tobacco lobby to vote in the voting on the "Food and Drug Act" in 1906. Tobacco automatically falls outside the jurisdiction of Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
1907 - Duke gradually company monopolizes the market tobacco dollars. "American Tobacco Company was divided into several companies under the antitrust laws (Anti-Monopoly).
1912 - 13 billion cigarettes sold.
1918 - Camel Company manages 40% of the American cigarette market.
1940 - Leaders of the American tobacco market (the company): RJ Reynolds, American Tobacco, Liggett & Myers, Brown & Williamson, Philip Morris.
1940 - Leaders of the American tobacco market (s): "Camel" (RJR) - 24%, "Lucky Strike" (ATC) - 22.6%, "Chesterfield Cigarettes" (L & M) - 18%, "Raleigh" (B & W) - 5.1% , "Old Gold" (Lorillard) - 3%, "Pall Mall" (Philip Morris) - 2%, cheaper brand (10 cents per pack of cigarettes) - 12% (all together).
1965 - Congress approves law on the labelling of cigarette packs Health Ministry warnings.
Cigarettes for nonstandard
On one of the oldest brands in the tobacco market - Chesterfield Cigarettes - says Managing Brand Group unit of Russian companies Philip Morris Evgenia Churbanov.
- When a brand Chesterfield Cigarettes?
- Mark Chesterfield Cigarettes has been bred on the American market in 1912. At that time, they were without a cigarette filter. Successfully competing with other popular American brands, until the end of 40 - x Chesterfield Cigarettes was one of the most cigarette brands sold in the United States. But Chesterfield Cigarettes filter appeared on sale only in 1965, when cigarette with a filter already owned more than half the American market.
- When Mark was born in Russia?
- Chesterfield Cigarettes came on the market in our country in the early 90 - ies. Then there was the sale of imported cigarettes. But in autumn 1994 the production of this brand in St. Petersburg. Now all versions of Chesterfield Cigarettes sold in Russia, the factory produces Philip Morris Izhora "in the Leningrad region.
- How positioned mark, and who is the target audience?
- Chesterfield Cigarettes positioned in the middle price ranges as high-quality, a unique brand of cigarettes with a rich and full-bodied taste. This brand especially popular among consumers aged 20-30 years - most of them residents of large cities with middle-income level and above.
Chesterfield Cigarettes target audience - people who approached life in each of its manifestation creatively, think uncommon. They know how to find each habitual action and no sort of feature nuance that gives taste of life and diversity. Waiver of a cliche, generally accepted trends, the desire to set their own rules, a bright personality and innovative approach - all smokers are distinguished from other consumers Chesterfield Cigarettes.
- How would build brand advertising concept development?
- initially supported Chesterfield Cigarettes brand advertising campaign "Chesterfield Cigarettes - American classics, and this is not a coincidence, because this marks a nearly century-old history.
And in 1998, the company began to change the image of brands, adapting it to the increasingly demanding Russian consumer. We have to use the images and unconventional approaches to the selection of advertising.
For example, Chesterfield Cigarettes became, in fact, the first tobacco brand in the Russian market, communication platform which is based on a story not so much about the brand, but the main component of cigarettes - tobacco and its species. The main objective of the ad campaign Chesterfield Cigarettes - shape the image of the international cigarette brand created for true connoisseurs of quality tobacco. Hence our slogan: "A soft golden tobacco Chesterfield Cigarettes."
- What are the advertisements you used?
- The print media and outdoor advertising remain the priority channels for conveying information about the brand. When advertising in the print media, we have been using non-traditional advertising formats. For example, laying in thick glossy magazines have been developed and implemented in the Russian market print media for the first time.
- Have any promotions?
- In 2001, we organized a competition ChestARTfield in which activities were conducted with the participation of bands and competitions graffiti. A year later, in Moscow and St. Petersburg club concerts are held in the framework of the project "StandArt Chesterfield Cigarettes. One ticket to Underground" with the participation of alternative musicians with distinct personality from around the world. Finally, a good tradition has been holding annual festivals of ethnic music, "What etNo?" in the territory of Moscow's Garden "Hermitage." This musical marathon includes musicians, speakers from different countries, different beliefs and musical directions, but relevant to what are called fashionable word "ethnic". Moreover, as recently as April this year, was held promotional campaign "Music to your taste," during which the consumer invited to listen to songs of the three different areas of music - alternative, rock and ethnic - and choose which of those areas it is closer . By filling in the coupon and fulfilling the conditions specified in the rules of party received the direction of music disc.
- What are the results of recent advertising campaign Chesterfield Cigarettes?
- According to the independent marketing research agency "Business Analysis", in June 2004, the market share Chesterfield Cigarettes brands was 2.1%, exceeding the figures for the same period last year at 0.4%.
- When a brand Chesterfield Cigarettes?
- Mark Chesterfield Cigarettes has been bred on the American market in 1912. At that time, they were without a cigarette filter. Successfully competing with other popular American brands, until the end of 40 - x Chesterfield Cigarettes was one of the most cigarette brands sold in the United States. But Chesterfield Cigarettes filter appeared on sale only in 1965, when cigarette with a filter already owned more than half the American market.
- When Mark was born in Russia?
- Chesterfield Cigarettes came on the market in our country in the early 90 - ies. Then there was the sale of imported cigarettes. But in autumn 1994 the production of this brand in St. Petersburg. Now all versions of Chesterfield Cigarettes sold in Russia, the factory produces Philip Morris Izhora "in the Leningrad region.
- How positioned mark, and who is the target audience?
- Chesterfield Cigarettes positioned in the middle price ranges as high-quality, a unique brand of cigarettes with a rich and full-bodied taste. This brand especially popular among consumers aged 20-30 years - most of them residents of large cities with middle-income level and above.
Chesterfield Cigarettes target audience - people who approached life in each of its manifestation creatively, think uncommon. They know how to find each habitual action and no sort of feature nuance that gives taste of life and diversity. Waiver of a cliche, generally accepted trends, the desire to set their own rules, a bright personality and innovative approach - all smokers are distinguished from other consumers Chesterfield Cigarettes.
- How would build brand advertising concept development?
- initially supported Chesterfield Cigarettes brand advertising campaign "Chesterfield Cigarettes - American classics, and this is not a coincidence, because this marks a nearly century-old history.
And in 1998, the company began to change the image of brands, adapting it to the increasingly demanding Russian consumer. We have to use the images and unconventional approaches to the selection of advertising.
For example, Chesterfield Cigarettes became, in fact, the first tobacco brand in the Russian market, communication platform which is based on a story not so much about the brand, but the main component of cigarettes - tobacco and its species. The main objective of the ad campaign Chesterfield Cigarettes - shape the image of the international cigarette brand created for true connoisseurs of quality tobacco. Hence our slogan: "A soft golden tobacco Chesterfield Cigarettes."
- What are the advertisements you used?
- The print media and outdoor advertising remain the priority channels for conveying information about the brand. When advertising in the print media, we have been using non-traditional advertising formats. For example, laying in thick glossy magazines have been developed and implemented in the Russian market print media for the first time.
- Have any promotions?
- In 2001, we organized a competition ChestARTfield in which activities were conducted with the participation of bands and competitions graffiti. A year later, in Moscow and St. Petersburg club concerts are held in the framework of the project "StandArt Chesterfield Cigarettes. One ticket to Underground" with the participation of alternative musicians with distinct personality from around the world. Finally, a good tradition has been holding annual festivals of ethnic music, "What etNo?" in the territory of Moscow's Garden "Hermitage." This musical marathon includes musicians, speakers from different countries, different beliefs and musical directions, but relevant to what are called fashionable word "ethnic". Moreover, as recently as April this year, was held promotional campaign "Music to your taste," during which the consumer invited to listen to songs of the three different areas of music - alternative, rock and ethnic - and choose which of those areas it is closer . By filling in the coupon and fulfilling the conditions specified in the rules of party received the direction of music disc.
- What are the results of recent advertising campaign Chesterfield Cigarettes?
- According to the independent marketing research agency "Business Analysis", in June 2004, the market share Chesterfield Cigarettes brands was 2.1%, exceeding the figures for the same period last year at 0.4%.
Chesterfield Cigarettes

Chesterfields are made for smokers like yourself, with the three important things you want in a cigarette... MILDNESS, BETTER TASTE, and COOLER SMOKING. Chesterfield's right combination of the world's best cigarette tobacco has so many things a smoker likes... that Chesterfield is just naturally called the smoker's cigarette. THEY SATISFY."
Chesterfield 1 cigarette

"That's what makes Chesterfield the steady smoke of more smokers every day. You can count on Chesterfields to give you, day in and day out, more smoking pleasure than you ever had before... So make your next pack Chesterfield and its right combination of the world's finest cigarette tobaccos will go to work to give you all you want in a cigarette. They Satisfy!"
1949 Chesterfield Cigarettes Ads

These are genuine original magazine advertisements from a 1949 issue of LIFE.
This Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. ad for Chesterfield Cigarettes features the late, lamented legend, Bob Hope. His passing prompted an outpouring of affection, renewed adulation, and nostalgia.
This 1940s ad depicts a smoking "Old Ski-nose" and heralds his starring role in the Paramount Picture, "Sorrowful Jones". His co-star in that movie was the equally legendary, Lucille Ball.
Or if one prefers, the reverse features a Canadian Club whiskey ad. The ad depicts a "Cayman Hunt in Haiti".
Reagan says Give Chesterfield Cigarettes for Christmas

Here's a picture of Ronald Wilson Reagan (before he became the Insane Anglo Warlord) with a lit one in his mouth, telling us that Chesterfield Cigarettes make great Christmas gifts.
The fine print suggests that we all go see Ronnie starring in the 1952 movie Hong Kong (also called "Bombs Over China") in which he practices for his later acting roles by battling movie Communism.
The fine print suggests that we all go see Ronnie starring in the 1952 movie Hong Kong (also called "Bombs Over China") in which he practices for his later acting roles by battling movie Communism.
Chesterfield Cigarettes Advertising Gallery

An ad for Chesterfield Cigarettes in the Saturday Evening Post from 1933 is shown in this file photo. In a dramatic confession, the maker of Chesterfield Cigarettes settled 22 state lawsuits Thursday, March 20, 1997 by agreeing to warn on every pack that smoking is addictive and admitting the industry markets cigarettes to teen-agers. (AP Photo/Raleigh News & Observer, Chuck Liddy)


1953 Ed Sullivan Chesterfield Cigarette Ad

Chesterfield Cigarettes is best for YOU! “Chesterfield Cigarettes is the only cigarette I can speak for, because it’s the only one I smoke. I’ve smoke Chesterfield Cigarettes for 22 years and I recommend you try’em – they Satisfy – and how!” Ed Sullivan --And First to Present this Scientific Evidence on Effects of Smoking A MEDICAL SPECIALIST is making regular monthly examinations of a group of people from various walks of life. 45 percent of this group has smoked Chesterfield Cigarettes for an average of over ten years. After eight months, the medical specialist reports that he observed… No adverse effects on the nose, throat and sinuses of the group from smoking Chesterfield Cigarettes. CHESTERFIELD – FIRST and only premium quality cigarette available in both regular and king-size.
1953 Arthur Godfrey Chesterfield Cigarette Milder Ad

NOW…Scientific Evidence on Effects of Smoking! A MEDICAL SPECIALIST is making regular monthly examinations of a group of people from various walks of life. 45 percent of this group has smoked Chesterfield Cigarettes for an average of over ten years. After ten months, the medical specialist reports that he observed… No adverse effects on the nose, throat and sinuses of the group from smoking Chesterfield Cigarettes. MUCH MILDER CHESTERFIELD IS BEST FOR YOUR...

Throughout the Great Depression the major cigarette manufacturers continued to advertise their most popular brands with handsome ads created by talented illustrators. A few of the popular commercial artists received commissions for this work, but advertising agency staff artists were responsible for the bulk of the paintings. Continuity in advertising is a method where an ad is related to the one that preceded it. Usually, a new argument or reason to buy the product is presented. A campaign is finished when all arguments have been exhausted. The series that the wonderful two page magazine ad pictured below was part of, reminds the reader that with Chesterfields Cigarettes "it's Taste!" Other ads in this campaign pointed out that "in polo it's Dash," "at the horse show it's Form," "on the green it's Accuracy!" and "in the dance it's Grace!"
Chesterfield Cigarettes Ads

Chesterfield Cigarettes were named after Chesterfield County, Virginia, as this region has always been heavily associated with tobacco industry. Chesterfields have always been popular since they appeared on the market. There was a historical period when Chesterfield Cigarettes actually went into the Top 3 list of the most popular cigarette brands in the United States of America. These days Chesterfield Cigarettes are produced by Philip Morris USA. They are still popular because of their low price (the manufacturer positions them on the market as a discount brand) and very strong historical roots the brand possesses. Two varieties of Chesterfield Cigarettes are currently available on the market: the filtered and the non-filtered versions. The last are very strong indeed and only very experienced smokers and those who like harsh taste like the non-filtered Chesterfields. Chesterfield Cigarettes is well known for its popularity with various celebrities. Among them are James Dean, Humphrey Bogart and Lucille Ball. They smoked as much as up to 2 packs a day. Chesterfield Cigarettes have also been mentioned in the Stranger Than Paradise movie by Jim Jarmusch (the carton of Chesterfield was actually the main object of the scenario). A famous music band – Jawbreaker – has devoted one of their songs to Chesterfield cigarettes. The single is called Chesterfield King. In the sixties, Chesterfield Cigarettes were heavily marketed as "mild". That was a doubtful message as the non-filtered cigarettes can hardly ever be called mild, but the main slogan of the 1960's Chesterfield Cigarettes advertising campaign announced: "Chesterfield People: They like a mild smoke, but they don't like filters."
1950 Alan Ladd ABC Chesterfield Cigarette Ad

Chesterfields Cigarettes smoke Milder and leave no unpleasant after-taste it’s MY cigarette” Alan Ladd Starring in “UNITED STATES MAIL” A Paramount Pictures “Make your own comparison” Make your next pack Chesterfield Cigarettes…Open it up…Smell that milder tobacco aroma – no other cigarette has it. Smoke Chesterfield Cigarettes and prove what every tobacco knows….tobaccos that Smell Milder – Smoke Milder SMELLS MILDER. SMOKES MILDER. NO UNPLEASANT AFTER-TASTE Be Happy-Go Lucky Enjoy your cigarette! Enjoy truly fine tobacco that combines both perfect mildness and rich taste in one great cigarette – Lucky Strike!
Chesterfield Cigarettes Magazine
A Full Page "Ready to Frame" Vintage 1942 Chesterfield Cigarettes Magazine Advert. The Ad has been carefully removed from a 1942 back issue of the American "Life" Magazine. Ad measures approx 10 inches x 14 inches, or 260 mm x 360 mm.
This Vintage 1942 Chesterfield Cigarettes Magazine Advert would look fantastic framed and mounted! Either hanging on the wall, sitting on a table, bed side cabinet, office desk... Vintage Magazine Ads add a nice touch to any home or work place and make ideal gifts, suitable for all sorts of occasions.
You'll find a vast and varied selection of Vintage Magazine Ads to chose from here at Q Vintage Ads. Vintage Ads dating from the 1940's.
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